Stock Analysis for College Students
It's amazing to me that business students nearing graduation really don't have a clear picture of the basics of investments. The following presents some "fundamentals" for stock analysis.
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I am a dean at a New England college's business school. Now having been around the block a few times it occurs to me that there may be a few personal and professional musings better related outside the classroom. These, then, are just a few firings of random synapses reflecting what this college professor would really like to tell students and anyone else who may on occasion have a few minutes to kill.
It's amazing to me that business students nearing graduation really don't have a clear picture of the basics of investments. The following presents some "fundamentals" for stock analysis.
I always feel like I'm the only cool person reading your blog. Is that a correct assumption? =)
You're probably the only cool person reading anyone's blog, Jody.
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