Thursday, June 28, 2007

I'm not your friend

I am trying to teach my kids to address adults by a title, be it uncle, Ms., Mr., or whatever. I am not particularly concerned if it is an accurate title at this point (and in fact have a particular dislike for titles of imagined prestige), but just that the adult is not addressed by his or her first name unless the adult asks the child to do so. To quote George Gobel, "I feel like the whole world's a tuxedo and I'm a brown pair of shoes" in this near-solitary effort. It's just proper manners, as kids are not the equals of adults (they're kids), and should show respect for their elders. It's a start, but difficult to do with so many adults trying to be the "friend" of children. Play with them, talk to them, love them, and teach them, but you are not a peer.


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