Why is there not a standard placement for the gas tank fill pipe on a car? It doesn't have to be in the exact same spot on every car, but at least have it on the same side. I don't know how many times I've seen a car with the cap on the passenger side, and it's not their fault, create havoc, or at least inconvenience, with waiting lines at gas stations. It was easy in yesteryear when the gas tank and cap were typically at the back of the car, though it was sometimes hard to find the cap and I imagine that the detonation at rear impact was an annoyance. If everyone had the fill on the driver's side, for example, everyone just stays to the right from either entry point and it's smooth sailing. By the way, would you please pull up to the frontmost available pump? And while we're at it, you might consider parking your car somewhere other than in front of the door to the gas station convenience store (perhaps those lined areas 10 yards away called "parking spaces") should someone actually want to drive around the car pumping gas in front of them rather than have to wait for the cars ahead to pull away or for you to complete your I'll-just-be-a-second transaction that won't be.
Labels: gas caps, gas station waiting lines, queues
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