Believe it or not

It used to be, "Don't believe everything that you read." Now it's "Don't believe everything on the internet." In fact, if it's on YouTube, or batched in a Ripley's type email, it might be safer to Believe it Not.
I am a dean at a New England college's business school. Now having been around the block a few times it occurs to me that there may be a few personal and professional musings better related outside the classroom. These, then, are just a few firings of random synapses reflecting what this college professor would really like to tell students and anyone else who may on occasion have a few minutes to kill.
In my Business Government and Society class the professor wanted us to research frivolous lawsuits and bring some good ones into class.
I wasn't surprised that almost every single one that was presented was something that was proven to be a hoax on Snopes seven years ago- worse yet, the professor didn't bother questioning some of the more absurd ones, so it's no wonder why this kind of behavior perpetuates itself.
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