Among the most pernicious of supermarket malefactors, these come in several forms but are united in their utter disregard for civility coupled with malicious sloth. For example, when they realize that they, or their kids, have selected an item that is not really wanted, their solution is to place that item at the absolutely nearest available space, whether a shelf, a check-out stand, or whatever. Frozen food, potato chips, anything, just dump it, for "they have people for that." Well, the reason they have people to put back these items and clean up if necessary is that you are such a thoughtless slob that you can't do the right thing and put the item back where you found it. This is not the library (if you know what such a thing is) and there are no return carts. And by the way, if you or your kid accidently knocks something off a shelf, have the decency to expend a couple of calories (and odds are you could stand to do so) to put it back.
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