A Field Guide to College and Beyond
I am a dean at a New England college's business school. Now having been around the block a few times it occurs to me that there may be a few personal and professional musings better related outside the classroom. These, then, are just a few firings of random synapses reflecting what this college professor would really like to tell students and anyone else who may on occasion have a few minutes to kill.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Thursday, September 06, 2007
You Can't Cheat an Honest Man

These days, the structure of your recruited workforce is often described with spokes radiating from a central structure (i.e., you) to other structures (your recruited workforce), with spokes leading from each of these workers to their respective downlines. Just rearrange the spokes and circles and what you have is a pyramid structure. Yes, you are being pitched a pyramid marketing scheme such as Amway. These are just barely legal (and in fact are illegal in many places) in that they technically have products to sell. You will be told of the high quality of the products- they are not. You will hear that the prices are low- they are not. You will learn that the reason for these low prices is the low overhead- in fact, you are the major overhead, as the commissions are typically high, 35% or so. The discussion of these mediocre products at fairly high prices will be brief, however, as the objective is not to sell product, but to sell people, to have you become part of someone else's downline. Whether called multi-level marketing, network marketing, or whatever, beware these pyramid schemes. A very, very few are legitimate and concentrate on selling product. The vast majority, such as Amway and Shaklee, are barely legal pyramid schemes that prey on the greedy and the stupid. Sure, a few particularly ambitious and unctious charlatans make tons of money, but the vast majority of the marks- I've read 95%- will make virtually no money and turn over within the year.
Do not be fooled by the get rich and be at the beach by noon claims; be wary of any ad or individual that will not disclose in full the nature of the business prior to your meeting; and most of all do not be one of the greedy or stupid looking for the easy money. As W.C. said, "You can't cheat an honest man."
Labels: Amway, mlm, multi-level marketing, network marketing, Shaklee