Youth is wasted on the young (but I forgot who said that)
It might have been George Bernard Shaw, but I find myself frequently having a little trouble rapidly retrieving labels like names, words, titles, etc. I am told and have read that this is a natural consequence of growing older, and I guess I first started to notice the cognitive slowing at around 40. Now I mention this b
ecause the young really don't know what worries the old. Yes, each generation of the newly old frets that should they become infirmed they will be a burden on loved ones. What's new about the self-absorbed forever-young baby boomers is the pervasive fear of senility. As we see our parent's generation living longer than any before them, we observe for some the terrors of senilty. As we notice difficulties in retrieving certain types of information, we leap to the worry that the ravages of Alzheimer's cannot be far behind. For our grandparents, it was the "Big C" (cancer), but for us, it is the "Big A," and the "senior moment" joke is just so much whistling by the graveyard. The young worry about what they will be; the old worry about remembering what they were..

Labels: Alzheimer's, baby boomers, senility
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