Grocery carts really haven't gotten much better over the years. When I was a kid comedians were joking about that wobbling or intractable fourth wheel, and it's not much different now. But I don't like that some newer carts have that cupholder. Like we don't have enough shoplifters and people with zero impulse control now, so let's encourage these ill-mannered louts to grab a soda off the shelf and enjoy a beverage while they stroll aimlessly down the aisles. That is, if they can get by those humvee-sized carts pushing too-big kids around. And then there are the cell phone talkers and socializers causing bottlenecks. Even the men carrying handbaskets, well-intentioned as they are, find they buy too much for the little basket and can't keep up the pace. No, to move around quickly in a store you need a good cart. Should you take the one offered by the greeter, if there is one? Like they care. Should you grab one from the line? Risky, even if you can separate those two carts stuck together. So what to do? Your best odds for a good cart is to snag one in the parking lot. Yes, there is a little extra pushing involved, but the carts in the lot will on average be better than those in the store.
Labels: carts
I've commented extensively on people who have long, drawn out conversations in the middle of grocery aisles or cramped hallways, and I think as a society we need to work on getting these people a hobby. So they can stop being in everyone's way.
I can back up the parking lot thing, too. When I worked retail I'd take any opportunity to go outside for fresh air, and all the carriages in the parking lot were (surprise) the ones people put up with through their entire shopping experience. Plus, getting them from the parking lot contributes to alleviating that nagging feeling that a cart some inconsiderate jerk left in the middle of a parking space will roll up and dent your car's door.
I'm pretty sure most of these folks aren't getting very close to their 10,000 steps a day, and they could use the extra 40 to put the cart in the corral.
Just had another thought regarding the cup holders. They encourage people to bring their ice coffee with them, which in turn encourages the inconsiderate among them to throw away the "empty" container (see: full of ice) into a trash bin in the store. Best case scenario, the poor sod who has to empty out the bin just has to deal with ice cold water spilling on them. Worst case scenario, they have to deal with foul smelling, day old half coffee, half water spilling on them.
I'd like to start a campaign directed at iced coffee drinkers to inform them that the ice does in fact melt after the coffee is gone. I still smile when I'm in a public restroom and someone's left over ice is melting in a sink- it's rare to see lasting evidence of someone being considerate in public.
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