Sunday, March 07, 2010

Fantasy Sports

How stupid is this concept?  And yet I play, and I like it.  I think I'd still rather play for real, but don't have the time, the outlet (my friends are as old and decrepit as I am), and perhaps the medical coverage to do so.  In fact, doing almost anything active and fun is such an effort now.  Like I have time to join a league and go to practices and games.  Or get in a car and have special clothes and equipment to go exercise. Or not have to replace a knee.

When I was a kid (Whoa!  Things old people say!  Should I tell you about walking miles in the snow barefoot to school?  The funny thing is, I did walk 4 miles a day to go to school...)  it was just step outside or knock on a few doors and before you knew it, the street, yard, or driveway had enough kids for a game.  And we'd play all day until the streetlights came on (and then some other game like kick-the-can if it was OK with the moms).  I didn't know any fat kids (well, maybe one), and could throw a ball 150 feet easy by age 8.  Now I'm on a computer using the stats of others to compete.  That's just sad.

At least I can still strap on a pair of sneakers and pound the pavement for a few miles, but I'm getting increasingly good at finding reasons to not do that as much as I should.  There's nothing fun about running (and don't believe that "runner's high" stuff.  That's just grandma calling you to the light...).  The only satisfaction comes when you're done, because you're done and won't have to do it again for at least a couple of days (and frankly you feel good about having done it), or you're one of those running addicts (the male anorexia) who doesn't realize that running is their "dependence."

Gotta go- time to start preparing my draft.



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