Last night (Saturday), as I was walking the dogs at around 1:30 a.m. (What else do I have to do? I'm married...), I came across a bra on the curb. So naturally I picked it up. Yeah, kind of creepy, but it told a story, a story that seemed so long ago. It was a very nice Victoria's Secret bra, the type a young woman spends a fair amount of money on because it is to be seen. The location on the front curb told me that she had been dropped off, so she was a younger woman living at home with her folks, whose car was parked in the driveway. This was the Saturday night date with the boyfriend, and there was a multiple base hit involved. She had gathered her belongings in her arms, including an undergarment or two (which tells a story in itself), and was intent on just slipping in the door unnoticed at the late hour. I don't mean to be salacious, but this really took me back to another time. Now I'm walking the dogs hours after my wife has gone to bed. When did that happen? (Actually, it's about a year after you're married- your results may vary.)
I actually contemplated hanging the bra on the antenna of the car in the driveway. Wouldn't dad get a chuckle out of that. But while that does seem a little funny, it is mean. So I left the garment exactly where I'd found it to give the girl a fighting chance to find it before a family member did.
And one last thought on bras, about which I am not allowed to have many thoughts. In the eternal debate as to whether it's OK to have visible bra straps, the correct answer is No. Never. Unless you are on your fifth margarita and "trolling," or have been run over by a truck, this is just utterly classless and looks bad. And that was the case when I was a young man, too.
Labels: past curfew, visible bra
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