With yet another Halloween coming soon it makes me think of some of the costumes I've been seeing around, and by that I mean people dressing up for others to create images of themselves. Some call this fashion.
Lately I'm seeing a lot of skinny jeans around. I believe this may be associated with the new standards being invoked for light bulbs, as the government is requiring that the light bulb market be dominated by low wattage offerings. This, in turn, must be leading to lower light households, so that people can not accurately see themselves in mirrors. How else can you explain people wearing skinny jeans in public? I don't think I've seen anyone look good in these jeans. Even my wife, who is a beautiful woman, is not at her best in these jeans, though she looks great in pretty much anything. And men? Forget it- they look like they lost a bet.
And of men, there is now something even worse called "meggings." What is going through the minds of those men who are wearing these leggings? Most women don't look good in leggings (think fuzzy spandex), but most have the decency to wear leggings underneath skirts, which is fine though not particularly flattering, and makes perfect sense on a cold day. So if men want to wear leggings underneath their pants, fine with me. We used to call those long underwear. But wearing meggings alone (which are pretty much just pantyhose), that's like wearing Speedos on the street, and it's either cruel or crazy to subject innocent bystanders to such distasteful and generally unsightful narcissism.
image from businessinsider.com
Labels: fashion, leggings, meggings, skinny jeans