Sunday, June 29, 2008

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

I see that Greg Norman and Chris Evert got married. I guess I can see that. Do you ever find yourself observing couples and wondering how they got together or what they see in each other? Do you ever evaluate the match to see if it seems equitable?

I have read that, in a socioeconomic sense, women typically marry "up" a bit, and correspondingly men marry "down" a bit. I have also read that, as a generality (which isn't worth much in general), women prefer darker men, men prefer lighter women, and redheads are generally less preferred. And then there's the older man with the younger attractive woman, (He's got a great sense of humor, obviously), and the girls that like bad boys, and the boys that focus on particular physical components, and what kind of car do you drive?

So, how many times have you thought, "What is she doing with him?" (Or, perhaps, him with her. Or I guess him with him or her with her, now that I think about it). Of course, it's different for many married people, who after a time wonder "What am I doing with him/her?"

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