Men are extremely simple creatures. We are just boys in larger bodies. Outside of work (and never forget that a man is his work- it's his identity), we only think of three things: what's for dinner, am I going to "get lucky" tonight, and what game can I watch or play (only the toys change)? For the first one, it's not that we're foodies so much as that this is a recurring problem that requires a solution. For the second one, as I heard one of those redneck (their word) comedians insightfully opine, marital sex is a lot like ordering one of those Civil War chess sets: every four to six weeks a piece will arrive, though you won't know what condition it's in. Since the first thought matter is frequent but easily solved, and the second thought matter becomes but a memory and infrequent surprise, the third thought matter becomes the avocational raison d'etre. That is why golf was invented (five hours of fun without your wife) and man caves exist (quality time with tools, tvs, computers, games, etc.). Marriage is pretty much the same as being a kid. Somebody feeds you and cleans up after you, sex is irrelevant, and playing is what matters. Just be in before the street lights are on.
Labels: boys will be boys
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