This happened a couple of days ago, but it is still bothering me. I'm driving behind this fellow and up ahead I see a squirrel crossing the road. Like a lot of squirrels, it apparently doesn't have a wealth of knowledge about the intricacies of internal combustion vehicles, and is confused at the prospect of crossing the asphalt swath. As I religiously wear glasses when driving, finding them quite helpful at times, I can see this quite clearly and have plenty of time to slow down to ensure the safety of the little critter, and the car in front has plenty of time to do so as well. But instead of slowing down, swerving if necessary, and making at least a tiny effort not to needlessly kill a creature, this Neanderthal (and forgive me for slandering Neanderthals) makes not the slightest effort to alter his driving and sure enough squashes the poor critter. No brake light, no remorse, and I'm sure, no soul. And he was traveling with what I assume to be his wife and young son. Fine role model.
And earlier on this same trip, as the road passed a lake, there were a few signs warning drivers to not "abuse" geese as they crossed the road. Why would there be a need for such signs? Apparently there is.
I can see why there are so many movies, etc., about zombies, vampires, devils and other dead, evil beings. They travel among us.
Labels: cruel driver
I had the same experience a few weeks ago. Even a hint of a brake light as it was happening would have let me dismiss it as "mistakes happen", but that kind of total lack of self-awareness speaks volume about the kind of people we're dealing with.
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