Sunday, April 03, 2011

What have you done for me lately?

Your distant past has little bearing on your immediate future.  By that I mean that it is your most recent experience that is of interest to an employer, admissions officer, and almost everyone else.  So if you are in college writing a resume for a potential employer or graduate school, don't write anything at all about high school.  Everyone will know that you have a high school degree (from where no longer matters), and no one cares about any of your high school sports and activities.  In general, it is only the last degree that matters.  If you have a doctorate, it doesn't matter where you got your master's and undergraduate degrees.  So basically, once you become an adult, you should probably stop talking about high school, and the older you are, the more true that is.

 "peaked in high school" [Urban Dictionary]

(n./adj.) This phrase can be used to describe people that routinely bring up high school when they are well into their 30's, because they haven't had a single exciting or interesting experience since their senior year, and as such their lives and themselves are said to have, "peaked in high school."

This term is often used when speaking disparagingly about an individual or group. This phrase can only be used appropriately after-the-fact (i.e. after individual/group leaves high school) to accurately gauge if (s)he qualifies for such status.

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