Sunday, March 25, 2012

Winter: the three month break between a woman and her razor

One other thing about shaving.  I remember watching Saturday Night Live decades ago when it was funny, and they had this skit showing a razor with three blades.  It was a great satire about the double bladed razor, which had recently been released, and it's claim that the first blade pulled out the hair farther to then be cut by the second blade.  The tag was something like, "The Triple Trac- because you'll believe anything."  A double blade did seem unnecessary, and a triple blade ludicrous, way back then.  I now own a razor with 5 blades, and have heard that there is a six-blader on the market.  I guess we will believe anything.

The title (from via has nothing to do with the blog and fortunately nothing to do with my wife; just seemed kind of funny.

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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Smooth operator

I'm  watching TV and just saw a commercial for a product that removes hair.  It shows a woman using the product in the usual ways, and then shows a woman shaving a man's chest.  Of course men can shave anything they want; that's their business, but I can't imagine shaving anything under the neck unless there's an operation involved or an Olympic medal at stake.  I'm sure there are women who like "smooth" men, and in general men will do just about anything to be with women (the only logical explanation for men attempting to dance).  I'd really consider finding another woman if that's the case, though; I imagine those shaving cuts could be really nasty.  However, if you've got one of those really hairy backs, you know, the type that looks like a kelp bed swaying in the waves while swimming, I think we can cut you some slack if you need to do some pruning.

image from

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Sunday, March 04, 2012

The Sibling Paradox

Seems like a title for a The Big Bang Theory episode (excellent TV show), but this refers to the geometric contradiction found in most families, i.e., no matter how many kids there are, they will all be opposite from each other.  This goes beyond the psychological explanation that younger kids will find areas of expertise different from their older siblings in order to not compete directly with them, that children will receive different amounts and types of attention based on birth order effects, etc.  No, the geometric impossibility of all children being opposites can be commonly observed (just look at your own siblings or children) even when children are just infants and toddlers.  Why children with such similar genetics can almost invariably have personalities so different from each other is a great mystery.  And then each child grows up and finds yet another opposite to marry.

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