Our society is structured as if we are still an agrarian economy, and I'm really tired of it, or maybe just really tired. For most of us, there are no cows to milk at dawn, and electricity has been invented and is widely utilized. Then why must work, school, and so many things start/happen so early?
Yes, there are "morning people" (so I've heard- could be just a rumor), but not that many of them, thankfully. They say things like "Oh, but it's so peaceful in the morning, I can get so much done." It's peaceful because the rest of us are trying to get some sleep, but you are disturbing that by trying to get things done- and then being unproductive millstones about our necks when the afternoon arrives. And then at night we have to go home early because they're so tired.
The data is clear about worker and especially student productivity in the morning, yet we continue to structure our work and school days as though we are all farmers. Even the calendar- summer vacation!- is structured for the benefit of farming. It turns out that most of don't have to tend the crops in the summer, and instead the 14+ weeks off result in bored kids who have forgotten a great deal of the previous year's learning when they arrive back in school around Labor Day.
Please free us from the tyranny of the morning people, or at least keep them and their cheery chirping away from us.