Wednesday, November 05, 2008

We all win

Hilary is not president, and likely never will be. George W., the worst president ever, will soon be gone. That's a win-win!

I'm a little worried that Mrs. Obama may have a little Mrs. Clinton in her. I was a lot worried that Mrs. Palin would be in line for the presidency. Too bad about Senator McCain; I really liked him in 2ooo. Where did he go in 2008?



Blogger Erik Marks said...

I'm a little disappointed I didn't put off Marketing 301 until this semester, this election was an amazing example of both the best and absolute worst ways to market yourself to a group of people.

As far as John McCain goes, I'm still convinced Karl Rove drugged him, hollowed out his chest cavity, and is currently controlling him with a command station of switches and levers, featuring a big red button that makes him say "my friends" like a Bulgarian used car salesman.

Now to cross our fingers that Obama doesn't get caught up in a sex scandal like every Democrat before him to open the floodgates for "family values" "Christian" "pro-america" "Republicans" like Palin.

November 8, 2008 at 12:03 PM  
Blogger Dead Man Blogging said...

Right on as usual, Erik. I love the Bulgarian used car salesman line especially.

November 13, 2008 at 2:50 PM  
Blogger Erik Marks said...

I take it you've gotten to enjoy some rich Marketing du jour this semester due to the election? or you still get the sea of blank faces?

November 13, 2008 at 6:57 PM  

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